For more information on applying for grants, please contact us!
North Lee Community Foundation welcomes applications for grants from nonprofit organizations, charities, health care organizations, and educational institutions that have been determined by the IRS to be exempt under Section 501(c) (3) of the IRS Code. Applicants must complete the North Lee Community Foundation Grant Application, and submit it with all required documents. Recurring grants for the same program are accepted. No grants for programs, projects or purchases that were completed prior to grant funds being awarded. One grant application per organization. Grants are for a period of one year.
North Lee Community Foundation makes grants to only North Lee County organizations. 501 (c) (3) organizations from Fort Madison, West Point, Houghton, St. Paul, Denmark or other North Lee County communities may apply. Grant application requests are considered in the fields of arts and culture, community betterment, education, religion, health, and human services.
Community building is central to the work of North Lee Community Foundation, therefore the North Lee Community Foundation will give preference to projects that:
Suggest practical approaches to community problems.
Generate community support, both professional and volunteer.
Demonstrate the organization’s ability to secure realistic funding.
Strengthen a non-profit organization effectiveness or stability.
Increase civic participation and community vitality.
Build community connections, especially among diverse groups, and build mutual trust and reciprocity in community relationships.
Develop an expanding pool of talented community leaders.